Saturday 14 September 2013

Seat Guru

Have you ever been on a flight that had very minimal leg room?  Looking around, you realized that it was only your roll of seats with the little leg room.  After cursing the other passengers in my head, I've always wondered... how did they know??

Well friends... Seat Guru an app from trip advisor. Seat Guru allows you to enter in the plane number and it will do the rest.  Type of plane, type of seats and any reviews and tips from other passengers.  Passengers can even rate that particular seat!

I remember the days not so long ago when you were able to reserve your seats in advance.  Although, most flights now only allow seat reservations 24 hrs in advance (you can pay more to reserve early), I still utilize this site prior to familiarize myself with the options and choices I have.  I'd must admit, I'm one of those crazies that wait until the exact time the site opens up for booking.  I find the experience  both exciting and bit of a gamble.  Will I get the seats I want or will I not??  Yes, I'm a geek.  :)

Now if there was an app that would tell you who you would be sitting beside, that would be amazing!  My pick... window seat, hot guy, away from crying babies and working outlet.

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